Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Playing It Too Safe...

I was smacked between the eyes recently by the thought that I'm spending too much of my life attempting to walk the line between passion and peacefulness. We play it safe because we fear failure and criticism. I'm thinking most of us wake up every day and put on the straitjacket of not looking foolish, or not bringing unwanted attention to ourselves.

But I'll suggest a possibility
that I'm pretty sure is true: If we're not offending someone or risking personal embarrassment with our life endeavors, we're probably making very little impact. That's just how influence works... it comes with the price of personal unrest.

In almost every endeavor I go after, there is always a moment when I have tremendous regret. It's always that moment when I've gone too far to turn back, and there's absolutely no assurance of success. I start doubting my holy discontentment, my innovative nature, and I kick myself for being naive, calling it faith.

And then God does something amazing... and I go do
it all over again.