Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Sad For My Sis...

Last Thursday while in New Orleans on a video shoot, I received a call on my cell from my sister, Andrea Butcke. It was one of those moments where you knew before you heard a word that bad news was about to be delivered.

My heart was beating a tap-dance as Andrea choked out the words that her house had burned to the ground. While praising God that she and my brother-in-law, Greg, were safe (they were at work when the fire started)... the bottom was falling out of my stomach as I began to grieve with Andrea over her loss.

Greg and Andrea have great insurance and already have plans to rebuild, but I know the truly irreplaceable items in their home are those things that money can't buy: family pictures, wedding pictures, furniture they both inherited from parents and grandparents.

I know that everything we have will one day belong to somebody else, but today I'm sad for my baby sister over this great loss that she and Greg have sustained. Please keep Andrea and Greg in your prayers, and consider sending them an email ( to let them know you're thinking about them.