You see, I’ve been engaged long enough in my role as a minister and have developed so many relationships with our staff and other ministers/church leaders that my address book is mostly full of people who are believers. I know lots of people who don’t know Jesus, but I’m not engaged deeply enough to have many of them on speed dial, or even in my phone at all. My cell phone's address book is at least one gauge of the importance I place on a relationship.
And practically, having someone’s contact info in my cell phone makes it much easier and much more likely that I would call or text whenever I think about them.
So, if you are like me and could use a little intentionality in this area... here’s my very simple challenge: This week add the names/numbers of two people who don’t know Jesus to your phone, and give them a call/text as you think about them. I’ll be joining you in this, and would love to hear about this goes for you.