What if Target operated like a church?
- Instead of having men’s and women’s clothing departments, they would be called clever names like Impact and Embrace that are completely meaningless to new shoppers.
- Each department in the store would have its own logo to go with their clever name. And, of course, all those logos would be different than the logo on the front of the store.
- The workers in each department would all have their own t-shirts and flyers to promote what’s available in their departments. The youth clothing department would, of course, have the best flyers.
- You wouldn’t actually be able to buy anything from the website, but each department would have its own page explaining why they are such a great department and the the information would be several months out-of-date.
- If you are in the shoe department and have a question about flashlights, the shoe department employee has no idea how to help you because it doesn’t have anything to do with shoes.
- Shoppers would be able to start their own departments so that they can buy the items that they want to buy. Don’t worry… that means there will certainly be a clothing department for singles.
- Shoppers would also be able to appoint their own store managers and then serve on committees to tell the store managers what to do.
- The store would only be open one day a week between 9:00 a.m. and noon and on the first Wednesday evening of every month.
Hope this makes you laugh. And, maybe it also challenges some preconceived notions. After all, churches are sort of notorious for worshiping methods and traditions whether or not they actually produce results.
What would you add to the list?