Frankly, I've grown a bit disenchanted with some who have appointed themselves arbiters of what's worth saying, and their self-ascribed expertise in how to say it. To put it bluntly, the pretentiousness of some out there in social media land has made me question if I want to continue to add to the on-line cacophony of words and sound... in what seems to be an ever increasing environment in which very few are truly reading and listening.
So, at the risk of sounding pretentious, I've decided to return to a somewhat regular routine of posting to Conexus. I re-examined why I started this blog in the first place ("ll try to have something I think is worth reading or I won't bother writing it." - Quote from my first post in April of 2008) and felt that remained a valid platform to work from.
My bottom line... I'm writing as a creative and introspective outlet. I'm encouraged you might want to occasionally read what I write... but I'm also okay if you want to click elsewhere. Further disclosure: I turned off the comment feature on Conexus some time ago, not because I didn't enjoy your occasional comments, but because I didn't want the desire for comments to drive what and who I wrote.
It's good to be back. I look forward to seeing where God takes me and Conexus in the future.