Regarding my new role... SoHills' elders will be sharing both their hearts and information with the church this Sunday about some exciting changes they have implemented in our leadership model. Recognizing that systems create behaviors, and systems trump vision, our shepherds have spent the past 2 years prayerfully considering the changes they are making at a systems level. More on m new role later... I don't want to steal any of the thunder from my elders as they speak to the church on Sunday.
As far as my week in New Orleans with the ACU Spring Break Campaign team... what can I say, I loved every minute of it! Serving alongside 20 university students who give up their Spring Break, pay their own money, to serve others in the name of Jesus--wow, I get chill bumps just typing those words.

And a significant work project our team engaged in during our week in New Orleans was the construction of a playground for the Carrollton Avenue church. No sooner had placed the finishing touches on the playground, than children were happily climbing in the "geo-dome" our team had purchased and donated.
Okay... you're somewhat caught up with me. I'm hoping to get another post up in the next day or so. Thanks for reading...