Monday, April 21, 2008

Can You Hear Me?

One of the characteristics of current culture is its passion for interactivity. Regardless of what specific application you're using, web-based media, in general, provide more user-to-user interactivity than any other form of communication in history. The "one-to-many" model of traditional mass communication is being replaced with a "many-to-many" web of interactive communication.

Since the new media alters traditional models of mass communication, we are all challenged to revisit the ways we interact and communicate with others. The church, as the primary instrument for communicating the Good News, stands to amplify it's voice by using the interactive possibilities found in the new media.

So... whether you blog or podcast, whether you Facebook or MySpace, whether you Twitter or Jott-- the significance of our communication is greatly diminished if we are not providing ways for people to easily hear and interact with us.

Let's keep on reminding ourselves: The people in our churches are not just listening... they're also talking.