Thursday, September 11, 2008

Celebrating Their 21st...

The New York Times posted a story recently reporting that many more young adults are drinking to extremes to celebrate their 21st birthday. The University of Texas at Austin spent four years studying the drinking habits of 2,200 college students. Using a smaller sample of students, they focused part of their study on how students celebrate their 21st birthday. Astonishingly, 98.7% of college students drank alcohol to celebrate their 21st birthday.

Side Effects of a 21st Birthday
78% had ill effects
54% got a hangover
44% had a blackout
39% did not know how they got home
34% threw up
26% suffered embarrassment
22% found out later that they had sex
22% got in a fight or argument
16% had to miss school, work, or another obligation on the next day

And it is not just binge drinking (defined as 4-5 drinks). Many students are pushing their physical limits to over 20 drinks, an excess that researchers feel is too gluttonous to be only labeled as binging.

How many of these young adults that are drinking to excess during the week are sitting on a pew in a church building on Sunday