Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Great Opportunity...

“The next generation product almost never comes from the previous generation.”Al Reis, Focus

If you, like me, are 45 years-old or older, there's a pretty good possibility that the next great Kingdom of God idea won’t come from you or me. Instead, our great opportunity is to constantly seek out the next generation (and the one behind it) and hear what they are thinking. Our great opportunity is to enable their visions to come true.

Eat lunch (or several lunches... I recommend Sharky's) with a group of 19-25 year-olds. Talk little, ask questions and listen a lot.

If we want to find examples of radically different thinking, we should be paying attention to what youth ministers are talking about.

Fellow Baby Boomers, let's not do to the next generation what was done to ours. Let's not say, “We don’t do things like that.” Let's stop and really think about what the generations behind us are proposing. Let's supply them with prayers, encouragement, money, and the freedom to fail.