Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mailed Any Skunks Lately...

Someone mailing a dead skunk to a taxidermist caused a foul incident earlier this week. The Oakbrook Post Office in Summerville, South Carolina was evacuated when an employee reported a suspicious odor coming from a package that turned out to be a dead skunk on its way to a taxidermist, authorities said.

“It was described as a 'bomb odor,' but I don’t know how (the employee) would know that,” Summerville Fire Chief Ed Genthert said.

The postal employee who came upon the package was so disturbed by the odor that he wrapped it in two bags, placed it in a five gallon bucket and took it outside to a rear loading dock. Several dozen employees were evacuated and a 500-foot radius was established around the perimeter of the post office.

The recipient of the package, a local taxidermist, was called to retrieve the package and the post office re-opened. Inside, the skunk's odor still lingered in the air.

Note to self: Re-think plan to mail dead possum to cousin in Alabama.