Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Some time ago, there was a teenage girl in Memphis, Tennessee. She was a good student, well-liked by her friends at school and loved to dance. But she got some unexpected news that threatened to change all of that. She found out she was pregnant. She was faced with a decision, and the effects of it's outcome would be incalculable regardless of what she choose.

She decided that she could not adequately provide for the tiny life growing inside of her. She wanted more for her unborn child than she could offer. She knew others would be able to give her baby everything she couldn't. She choose adoption.

There was a family of three in Alabama - a father, a mother and a daughter. The parents wanted to add to their family, but were having great difficulty doing so. They had so much love to give. They desperately wanted to share their lives with another. They choose adoption.

There was a baby girl born in Memphis that found an incredible family and a new home in Alabama. The little girl was given everything in life she could have ever wanted. The prayers of many were answered and lives were forever changed. It all started with the brave, selfless decision of a teenage girl in Memphis.

Tonight, there is a pregnant girl just outside of Nashville that has made this same brave, selfless decision. She has chosen adoption. She has chosen a family for her unborn child.

Tonight, the little girl born in Memphis and raised in Alabama is eagerly anticipating tomorrow. She will have the privilege of helping the pregnant girl make it to Nashville to meet the parents she's chosen for her unborn child. By doing so, that little adopted girl remembers the teenage girl and the decision made in Memphis. She remembers her family and the wonderful life she was given in Alabama. She hopes that tomorrow will be the beginning of the same type of beautiful journey for the birth mother and adoptive parents she'll meet.

My cousin, Sunny Vann, posted the above on her Facebook page on Sunday night under the heading "Paying It Forward." She is the "little girl born in Memphis and raised in Alabama." Sunny was, and is, a special gift from God to our family.